Boulder County Housing and Human Services (BCHHS) is dedicated to supporting and sustaining healthy communities that strengthen individuals and families while promoting human dignity and hope for the future.
BCHHS has more than 400 full-time employees. Bilingual services are available. The BCHHS physical offices are in Boulder and Longmont, CO.
BCHHS has a variety of resources related to benefits, housing, supportive services, clinical interventions and modalities, case management, job readiness and training, early intervention and prevention, parenting, maltreatment, trauma and services through the lifespan.
The department through federal and local funding sources has access to very short term and immediate housing as well as long term housing options for eligible populations.
Direct Services/Financial/Support
BCHHS provides a myriad of services and supports to Boulder County Residents depending on need and eligibility. For more information, see the Boulder County Website.
BCHHS provides a variety of services intended to support and enhance family safety.
Boulder County Department of Housing & Human Services
3460 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304
phone – 303.441.1303 fax – 303.441.1529Intake Division Manager – Terri Ryan-Thomas, MPA Website