What LEVI Does

To reduce domestic violence in our community, LEVI provides the following:


Empower the community to eradicate domestic violence through educational presentations, trainings, and public events.

LEVI’s prevention/education services focus on:

• Educating clubs, groups, and organizations throughout Longmont and St. Vrain Valley District.

• Special events to educate the community.

• Prevention/education materials such as brochures, articles, and newsletters to the community.

• Professional training for LEVI members and other agencies focused on domestic violence.

• Regular contact with local news media to raise domestic violence awareness.


Identify resources and respond to gaps in order to provide access to services for those seeking assistance.

LEVI’s Access/Referrals services focus on:

• Making sure the community has easy access to services that may be able to assist domestic violence victims, survivors, and their families in finding help in order to live a life free of abuse. Sometimes this involves creative problem-solving in order to keep victims from encountering gaps in the system.

• Having updated information on domestic violence and area resources for the community through the LEVI Web site.

• Providing a professional library filled with quality and up-to-date materials on domestic violence for LEVI agencies.

• Assisting with meeting the immediate needs of victims (food, housing, transportation, storage) through referrals, specialized grants, and resources provided by generous donors.

LEVI also provides with information on what to expect, systems contact information, FAQs, and how to address the issue with their children.

Public Information

Heighten community awareness and action, as well as change public opinion and social behavior toward domestic violence by raising awareness and providing public information.

LEVI’s public information services focus on:

• Placement of awareness advertising in local newspapers and other media.

• Placing educational advertising at local Longmont restaurants and bars.

• Making sure that domestic violence materials (brochures, articles, etc.) are available in public places.

• Direct delivery of domestic violence information and resources to the Longmont community through several coordinated yearly campaigns.