Domestic Violence General Information

Domestic violence is among the top 3 crimes that impact the City of Longmont.

The Longmont Police Department had a total of 926 reports of domestic violence in 2022 with a total of 477 arrests. This is a 10% decrease from 2021.  Historically, the City of Longmont has 40-42% of the domestic violence cases in Boulder County, even though it represents only a third of the population for the county. In 2022: 

  • 78% of the offenders were male and 22% were female. 
  • 37% of all cases involved a repeated offender.
  • 354 children were present during domestic violence incidents – with 30% of the cases involving children. This is a 3% increase from 2021. 
  • The victim was the reporting party in 57% of the cases, a 4% increase from 2021.  
  • Family and friends reporting increased by 1%. 

The Police Department sees only 20% of the cases of domestic violence.

Visit the Longmont Domestic Violence Data Analysis Report 

Are you in a relationship that could be described as domestic violence? Take the quiz. Am I in danger?

MYTH: If my spouse does not do drugs and alcohol, I won’t become a victim of domestic violence. 
FACT: Less than 20% of Longmont cases involved the offender’s use of drugs or alcohol. 
MYTH: Domestic violence happens mostly to people who are uneducated and/or unemployed. 
FACT: In Boulder County, 64% of cases involved those with a High School diploma or higher education, and in 64% of cases, the defendant was employed. 
MYTH: After being arrested for domestic violence, offenders are very unlikely to offend again. 
FACT: In Boulder County, around 35% of those arrested for domestic violence had committed their second, third, or more domestic violence offenses.  
MYTH: Domestic violence is just a fight between a couple. It affects them only and isn’t anybody else’s business. 
FACT: Domestic violence is not a fight. It is a pattern of behavior used by one person to exert POWER and CONTROL over another person in a relationship. Domestic violence affects our entire community. It is the No. 1 public safety issue in Longmont. More people are injured due to domestic violence than any other crime in our city. Children are the smallest victims of domestic violence. In fact, 354 children were present during domestic violence incidents in Longmont in 2022, and in 73% of those cases, the offender was charged with child abuse. For more information on the effects of domestic violence on children, click here. 

How to Approach Someone You Suspect is Being Abused?

  • Approach the person at a time and place is safe and confidential. This is essential to building trust and ensuring their safety. 
  • Start by expressing concern. Let them know you are concerned for their safety and well-being.  
  • Take the time to listen and be supportive.  
  • Acknowledge their feelings and let them know they are not alone. 
  • Believe and validate their experiences.  
  • Let them know the violence perpetrated against them is not their fault. No one deserves to be abused. 
  • Remind them they deserve a healthy relationship built upon respect and equality.
  • Respect their autonomy. Understand they have the right to make decisions about their life when they are ready. They are the experts on their own life. Let them know you will be there for them when they are ready. 
  • Help them plan for future safety. What have they tried in the past to keep safe? Is it working? Do they have a place to go if they need to escape? 
  • Encourage them to build a support system. Promote access to community services. Know the resources in your community. 
  • Be patient. Self-empowerment is a long process.  

Why Do Victims Stay? Why Do They Go Back?

It is important to acknowledge that abusive people frequently escalate their behavior when their partner tries to leave the relationship. Attempting to leave can be a dangerous time for victims of domestic violence. An individual may feel safer for themselves and their loved ones if the relationship continues.  A victim’s reasons for staying in the relationship are extremely complex. Some barriers to escaping domestic violence include but are not limited to:  

  • Fear – Resistance or complaints often provoke worse violence. Victims fear the violence may escalate if they leave. They are afraid of their children being hurt and/or losing custody. They believe that there is a lack of protection from the system and that safe spaces are very limited.  
  • Emotional Dependency – Because of past trauma and/or the emotional abuse they are suffering, victims may develop an emotional dependency on their abuser. They believe they are not strong enough or that they don’t deserve better. They can experience feelings of insecurity over potential independence and afraid of making a major life choice.  

Only about 15% stay because they still love the abuser. 

  • Financial Dependence – Many times the abuser is the main (or only) provider. A victim’s economic mobility may be limited which creates a fear of not being able to support the family.   
  • Guilt – Victims often feel guilty and believe they did something that caused the violent behavior. Others may feel guilt over their failed relationship. Family, cultural, and religious beliefs may also pile guilt upon the victim. 
  • Isolation – Victims are often isolated by their abuser who has restricted any outside support. Therefore, victims may have a limited support system and a lack of social skills and knowledge of the options available.  
  • Embarrassment and Shame – Victims tend to feel ashamed about remaining in an abusive relationship. Many victims are embarrassed about their perceived failure. Society promotes these feelings by generally blaming the victim for causing or accepting the abuse and the impact it has on the children. 
  • Children – The victim might believe that the children need both parents in the home. They fear that the children will be emotionally damaged if they separate. Sometimes victims believe that financial stability for the children outweighs leaving the abusive relationship. Children are often used as leverage by the abuser to control the victim.  
  • Hope – Abusive relationships aren’t abusive from the beginning nor are they abusive all the time. The victim may hope they can change their partner or believe the promises the abuser has made. Therefore, it is important to view domestic violence relationships as the cycle of abuse it is.  

For more information about the 4 stages of the cycle of abuse, please visit  We must also consider socio-cultural factors and how they are a barrier for domestic violence victims.  


  • If you are trying to help someone, do not leave text, email, or voice messages unless you know it is safe. If questioned do not indicate that you are calling about domestic violence.
  • Always ask first if it is safe to talk and whether you should call the police.
  • Develop a system of coded messages to signal danger or the abuser’s presence.
  • Block the identification of your number when calling. This prevents an abuser from using “caller ID” to discover the victim is seeking assistance.
  • Keep the victim’s whereabouts confidential. Do not disclose addresses, telephone numbers, or information without their consent.
  • Provide the victim with a secure line and/or device.
  • Develop a referral list including the national domestic violence hotline, local shelters, domestic violence programs, pro bono or sliding scale legal services, and children’s programs.


  • Nearly half of all murders committed in Colorado are committed by a current or former intimate partner and the victims are disproportionately female.
  • 37% of Colorado women and 31% of Colorado men experience intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, and/or stalking in their lives.  
  • Nearly half of all murders committed in Colorado are committed by a current or former intimate partner and the victims are disproportionately female. 
  • On a typical day, local domestic violence hotlines receive approximately 13 calls every minute.


For additional information and resources, please email or call LEVI at (303) 774-4534.