Information for Veterinarians and Animal Welfare Workers
- Colorado Link Project-The Colorado LINK Project website has been created to provide information and resources for communities and professionals to better understand and respond to “the Link” related issues of public safety and human and animal welfare in Colorado. This website will eventually include research conducted at the University of Denver school of Social Work. Led by national authority Frank Ascione.
- National Link Project-National Link Coalition website includes research, brochures, vidoes, FAQs and other information about the link.
- List of Mandatory Reporting Requirements by state
- Pets & Protection orders – by State.
- Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley – Free & confidential shelter, counseling and advocacy for those affected by domestic abuse.
- Longmont Humane Society– Shelter, clinic, education, advocacy and thrift shop.
- Research on the link between animal and human violence, training and specialized programs for treatment of child and adult perpetrators of animal violence.
- American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animials -Community Outreach, animal health, and anti-cruelty initiatives aimed at ending animal cruelty in all its forms.
- Red Rover Responders offer relief grants to provide pet shelter, and care for pets belonging to victims of domestic violence.
- National Link Coalition – September 2014 Newsletter
- Connecting the Dots – An overview of links among multiple forms of violence.
- The Role of Veterinarians in Cruelty Cases – by Dr. Sue Muench
- Colorado Alliance for Cruelty Prevention (includes CVMA survey executive summary) – by Dr. Sue Muench
- First Strike: The Violence Connection-Brochure by Humane Society of the United States
- Overview of the Link for Veterinarians
- Veternary_Fact Sheet
- Pets & Domestic Violence Fact Sheet – for public audience
- The Case of the Battered Pet – Oprah Magazine, 2008 (public audience)